When you get sunburn, there’s almost nothing you wouldn’t do to get some relief! Sunburns make it hard to shower, sit, heck, they even make it hard to wear clothes because you don’t want anything touching your skin. Take a couple of minutes and whip up a batch of this DIY sunburn relief cream. It cools your skin and simultaneously gets to work rapidly healing the damaged skins. The awesome thing about this cream is that it’s not just for sunburns; it works on any minor burns you may get.


¼ cup organic coconut oil

¼ cup aloe vera gel

10 drops lavender essential oil

5 drops peppermint essential oil

In a 4oz or larger jar, mix all ingredients together until well blended. Apply to burns as needed for relief and healing.

That’s it! Pretty easy, right? With a recipe that easy, you’ll probably want to make up a few batches and have it everywhere from your purse to your beach bag and your house. Remember, even though you may get some relief from this cream, the goal is to prevent sunburn in the first place. It is ultra-damaging to your skin and can leave lasting effects in the form of skin cancer. Make sure you wear sunscreen every day of the year and reapply as needed throughout the day. It’s easy to forget or think that perhaps the cloudy weather doesn’t call for it, but applying sunscreen should become a daily habit.

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